In January, I attended T@Bazona 2020. T@Bazona originated as a small gathering of T@B and T@G enthusiasts who came together in the Arizona desert to winter camp alongside other local teardrop-loving people. Since its inception, T@Bazona grew exponentially. Suddenly, the small, local rally morphed into the wintertime T@B event of the year, and gone were the days of a casual T@B and T@G get together.

Photo by: Mandy Lea Photo
All about T@Bazona
This year, T@Bazona outgrew its britches. T@Bazona 2020 took place at Usery Mountain Regional Park in the East Valley of the Greater Metropolitan Phoenix area. Our enthusiastic group consisted of a record number of 155 attendees and 94 trailers. Almost all of the trailers were T@Bs and T@Gs, but some campers were former nüCampers (like myself). There were Little Guy Teardrop Trailers, Silver Shadows, and even Dutchmen Manufacturing models of the nüCamp family in attendance. Those of us who reserved sites were lucky because our eager group crashed the park’s reservation system six months and one minute past the opening of the registration window. That meant many of us who live in places other than Arizona stayed up past two or three in the morning trying to secure a site at this coveted event. Was it worth crashing the website and driving hundreds of miles to attend? You betcha.

From Massachusetts to Florida and all the way to T@Bazona
T@Bazona 2020 had attendees from all over the country. We came from near and far. Our cute teardrop-style campers filled both the main campground and the group camping area. The once mom-and-pop event, which is now bigger and better than ever, is generously co-sponsored by nüCamp. Attendees got T@Bazona t-shirts, stickers, and other nüCamp swag. We even had a bar of my favorite shower bar, Redbudsuds in our goodie bag (which made me happy since I was almost out of my soap).
What kind of activities can I expect at T@Bazona?
T@Bazona is a well-organized event. Each day consists of some sort of activity. Attendees can expect a morning coffee and breakfast. This year, we had communal coffee and pastries. Then, the day launches with activities like arts and crafts or hiking, followed by some sort of talk or discussion. This year, rangers from Usery Mountain Park spoke to the group, and there were a few sessions held by nüCamp representatives where owners could talk teardrop-shop. We were even lucky enough to have a nüCamp-sponsored photographer and adventure guide, Mandy Lea and her partner and co-adventure guide, Kendrick in attendance.
Sometimes, impromptu activities pop up, too. Because of the large number of current and hopeful solo female RVers in attendance, Wendy (one of the organizers) suggested that we hold a girls’ breakfast chat where the women could discuss topics of safety and RVing tips with Mandy. I loved hearing all of the women share their ideas with one another in a safe and welcoming environment. We truly are a community built on trust and support.

During two of the days, T@Bazona holds an open house. Attendees have the opportunity to open their T@Bs, T@Gs, and yes, even my Airstream, for visits. The open house is the time to show off your favorite upgrades or modifications while you make connections with the other campers. The open house was one of my favorite events because I got to meet so many great people and see so many awesome additions to their homes on wheels.
Each night, attendees gather near the group campground for food, fun, music, movies, campfire, and celebrations. You can choose to stay for a little while or party with the group until quiet hours. How you socialize is up to you. I may or may not have spent a good portion of one night sipping whiskey with my friends, listening to old-school-hip-hop music, and dancing until I broke out into a serious sweat. I did all of this with my dogs in tow, and Teddy and Pippa were treated like furry members of the T@B community.

Photo by Mandy Lea
It’s not goodbye; It’s an I’ll see ya on down the road
A few months ago, I thought I’d have to miss out on T@Bazona. I recently traded my T@B for an Airstream Basecamp, but my heart still aligned with the T@B community. I loved nüCamp then, and I still love nüCamp now. My trade wasn’t easy for me, and I was doubly upset that I’d have to miss an event I had waited years to attend. Thankfully, everyone welcomed me with open arms. They told me “Once a Tabber, always a Tabber.” And they meant it. I’m excited that I was able to make so many great connections, and I’m looking forward to meeting up with my new friends again. Next year, T@Bazona will be bigger and be
tter than ever. The expanding interest and large numbers of attendees have prompted the T@Bazona Team to move the event to a bigger (and easier to reserve facility). Keep an eye out for announcements coming soon if you want to attend T@Bazona in 2021.

My Airstream Basecamp at T@Bazona
Until then…see ya all down the road!